The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is an important piece of legislation in India that governs the marriage and divorce among Hindus. It outlines the conditions for a valid Hindu marriage, rights and duties of spouses, and the grounds for divorce and judicial separation. The Act consists of several chapters, each dealing with different aspects of marriage, divorce, and related issues.
Here is a breakdown of the chapters in the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955:
Chapter 1 Preliminary of Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Chapter 2 Hindu Marriage of Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Chapter 3 Restitution of Conjugal Rights and Judicial Separation of Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Chapter 4 Nullity of Marriage and Divorce of Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Chapter 5 Jurisdiction and Procedure of Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Chapter 6 Savings and Repeals of Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Key Features of the Hindu Marriage Act:
- It defines the grounds for divorce (adultery, cruelty, desertion, etc.).
- It provides for restitution of conjugal rights, i.e., forcing one spouse to live with the other if there has been a refusal.
- It deals with the concept of judicial separation, where spouses may live separately without ending the marriage.
- It mandates that marriages should be solemnized according to customary rites, but also allows for registration.
The Hindu Marriage Act aims to provide a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and ensure that marriages, divorces, and maintenance are managed in an equitable manner.
Chapter 3 of Hindu Marriage Act
Read Hindu Marriage Act Here
Chapter 4 of Hindu Marriage Act
Read Hindu Marriage Act Here
Read Hindu Marriage Act Here
Chapter No. of Hindu Marriage Act | Chapter Name Hindu Marriage Act |
1 | Preliminary |
2 | Hindu Marriage |
3 | Restitution of Conjugal Rights and Judicial Separation |
4 | Nullity of Marriage and Divorce |
5 | Jurisdiction and Procedure |
6 | Savings and Repeals |