Special Provisions Relating To Certain Classes Part 16 of Indian Constitution has Articles 330 to 342.

Constitution Of India Part 16 Special Provisions Relating To Certain Classes – Articles 330 to 342
Article 330 of Indian Constitution
Article 330 of the Indian Constitution deals with the reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) in the House of the People, also known as the Lok Sabha.
- Reservation of Seats: Article 330 provides for the reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India. The purpose of this provision is to ensure representation of these marginalized communities in the legislative body.
- Proportional Representation: The number of seats reserved for SCs and STs is determined based on their proportion in the population. The President of India, after consulting with the Election Commission, specifies the number of seats to be reserved for each category in each state.
- Scheduled Castes: Seats are reserved for SCs in the Lok Sabha based on their population in a particular state. The members elected from these reserved seats are representatives of the SC community.
- Scheduled Tribes: Similarly, seats are reserved for STs in the Lok Sabha based on their population in a state. The members elected from these reserved seats are representatives of the ST community.
- Delimitation: The process of delimitation, which involves defining the boundaries of constituencies, takes into account the reservation of seats for SCs and STs. It ensures that the reserved seats are distributed appropriately across different constituencies within a state.
- Duration of Reservation: The reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha is in place for a period of 70 years from the commencement of the Constitution. However, the President has the power to extend this period through a constitutional amendment.
Article 331 of Indian Constitution
Article 331 of the Indian Constitution deals with the representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Lok Sabha, which is the House of the People. Here’s a brief explanation of Article 331:
- Representation of the Anglo-Indian Community: Article 331 provides for the nomination of members from the Anglo-Indian community to the Lok Sabha. The Anglo-Indian community is a small minority community in India, and this provision ensures their representation in the Parliament.
- Nomination by the President: The President of India has the power to nominate two members from the Anglo-Indian community to the Lok Sabha, if the President believes that this community is not adequately represented in the Parliament.
- Criteria for Nomination: The nominated members must have special knowledge or practical experience in fields such as literature, science, art, social service, or sports. The objective is to ensure that the nominated members bring unique expertise and perspectives to the legislative process.
- Tenure and Voting Rights: The nominated Anglo-Indian members have the same tenure and voting rights as elected members of the Lok Sabha. They can participate in the debates, vote on bills, and contribute to the legislative functioning.
- Duration of Provision: The provision for the nomination of Anglo-Indian members in the Lok Sabha was initially temporary and had to be periodically reviewed. However, the Constitution (126th Amendment) Act, 2019, discontinued this provision, and as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the nomination of Anglo-Indian members to the Lok Sabha is no longer in effect.
Article 332 of Indian Constitution
Article 332 of the Indian Constitution deals with the reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) in the Legislative Assemblies of the States. This article ensures representation of these marginalized communities at the state level. It provides for the reservation of seats in the state legislative assemblies, proportionate to the population of SCs and STs in each state. The number of reserved seats is determined by the President, in consultation with the Governor and the Election Commission. This provision aims to empower and give a voice to SCs and STs in the decision-making process at the state level.
Article 333 of Indian Constitution
Article 333 of the Indian Constitution provides for the representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assemblies of the States. The Governor has the power to nominate one member from the Anglo-Indian community to the state legislative assembly if the community is not adequately represented.
Article 334 of Indian Constitution
Article 334 of the Indian Constitution states that the reservation of seats and special representation for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and Anglo-Indian community in the Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies will cease after a period of 60 years from the commencement of the Constitution.
Article 335 of Indian Constitution
Article 335 of the Indian Constitution addresses the claims of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) to services and posts. It states that the SCs and STs should be given due consideration in matters of appointment and promotion to services and posts to ensure their adequate representation and protection.
Article 336 of Indian Constitution
Article 336 of Indian Constitution: Special provision for Anglo-Indian community in certain services Article 336 Special provision for Anglo-Indian community
Article 337 of Indian Constitution
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Article 338 of Indian Constitution
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Article 339 of Indian Constitution
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Article 340 of Indian Constitution
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Article 341 of Indian Constitution
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Article 342 of Indian Constitution
Article 342 of Indian Constitution: Scheduled Tribes Article 342 Scheduled Tribes – Constitution Of India (1) The President 3 [may …